Thursday, July 2, 2015

Want nod for projects? Apply online : Hindustan Times

Cidco’s new software to verify all construction projects making the process transparent

CBD BELAPUR: In a bid to bring in transparency and efficiency in granting permissions for building constructions, City and Industrial Development Corporation (Cidco) has made a fresh move with a little help from technology. Developers will soon have to file online applications for permissions they require.

Cidco is adapting the wellknown AutoDCR software for the purpose and the software is, at present, being customised for the development body and will soon be commissioned.

A large number of construct i ons are expected at Navi Mumbai Airport Influence Notified Area (NAINA) project of Cidco. Private developers have big plans for the area. However, owing to delays by Cidco in granting permissions several projects being delayed. This has been happening for years now and several projects have been delayed.

The investors too are affected by the delays. Representatives of builders’ org anisations have raised the issue with Cidco several times, following which the nodal agency has decided to take the initiative.

A Cidco official, on condition of anonymity, said, “Once the AutoDCR software is commissioned, the developers will not have to make the rounds of Cidco offices. They can submit their architectural plan along with the maps and other documents online with their application. The software will verify the documents online.”

“Thereafter, t he eligible applicants will be issued permissions online by the software. This will speed up the projects that often get stuck due to delays in permissions,” he added.

A workshop had been held in the Cidco office recently to give information on the working of AutoDCR. City architects, representatives of builders’ org anisations and private investors among others were present at the event.

According t o Cidco public relations officer Mohan Ninawe, “Cidco vice- chairman and managing director Sanjay Bhatia explained to the objectives of introducing the software. He expressed confidence that once the software is implemented, the granting of permission will gather speed and will be further transparent.”

He added, “Cidco chief planner gave the details of the software to those present. The developers and investors offered some suggestions and changes in the software. We will look into the suggestions and incorporate them in the software where required. Once it is done the software will be commissioned at the earliest.”

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