Monday, September 14, 2015

Serious responsibility:Mirror

Lavasa has shouldered the responsibility of providing children from impoverished communities in and around its planned private city free and quality education, health care, nutritious meals, transportation and life skills training
When I first heard that Lavasa Corporation Limited had implemented a CSR initiative in its private planned city near Pune (stylistically based on the Italian town of Portofino), it came as a pleasant surprise. For years, the 25,000 acre location has been in the news for reasons other than its foresight in emerging as one of a handful of Indian cities to be built from scratch in the last 100 years.
When construction commenced in Lavasa about seven years ago, the company immediately recognised the need to empower children from impoverished communities in and around its project site through free quality education, nutrition and healthcare. This could have been a case for business prudence in addition to altruistic intent; the building block of any urban society is a pool of smart and skilled workers; through its educational initiative, Lavasa figured it would need a pool of equipped workers by the time Lavasa's construction ended a decade and a half later; these young men and women would find in-Lavasa employment; this would potentially reverse brain drain; this would strengthen family fabric in an emerging location; in turn, local resource availability would help moderate employment costs and strengthen competitiveness.

There are a number of things that differentiate Lavasa's initiative from most others also engaged in providing education to the less-privileged.

One, Lavasa could have embarked on the educational initiative hands-on (most do!), attempted to master something that was not its core competence, reinvented an existing wheel, learnt patiently across its learning curve and picked up brownie points for the effort. It didn't. On the contrary, Lavasa engaged a partner of repute called Christel House International, an Indianapolis-based public charity founded by a businesswomen-turned-philanthropist focused on societal transformation.

Two, Christel House International brought to Lavasa's table a rich complement of international and Indian experiences drawn from working with more than 4,000 of the world's poorest children in Mexico, South Africa, Indianapolis and Bangalore.

Three, Lavasa and Christel House could have provided an education and no more; on the contrary, they extended their poverty-destroying brief with a complement of quality education, nutritious meals, health care, transportation, life skills training and character development in addition to parent and community outreach programs. Clearly not a patch-up job, but the complete works.

Four, the general assumption is that when it comes to CSR, the basic should be adequate; in this case, Christel House, Lavasa's school, is housed in a state-of-the-art building with large classrooms, modern amenities and modern catering facility (managed by experts), articulating that a destiny-transforming agenda is often catalysed by compatible infrastructure addressing national and international benchmarks.

Five, instead of educating students until class four and then looking around for other schools where these students could then be mainstreamed, Christel House Lavasa played the more complete (albeit slower) game: for a school that commenced only in 2010, it has grown to grade seven (435 students and 29 teachers), adding one grade each year (60 students), to grade 12 by 2020.Alternatively, the school could have drawn a larger number of students into its earlier classes, but this would have created two evident problems: the challenge of finding more mainstreamable schools of a similar standard (unlikely) and the quality `loss' that could have resulted in the students yielding their early development advantage following their being absorbed into other schools without a comparable educational standard.

Six, Lavasa is a complete service provider; it doesn't just bear the cost of education, it also picks up the tab for food, uniforms, stationery, transportation and even medical hospitalization expenses. Doctors from Apollo Hospital routinely conduct medical checks for common diseases, relieving rural folk from the perception that their children represent a financial burden.In a subtly intelligent way, Lavasa Corporation does not need to advertise the fact that it truly cares; the message has probably been `sold' many times over to residents by their children.

Seven, when a school starts enhancing academic standards, the demand for admission is always greater than the number of seats available.As the first safeguard that this service extends only to the most deserving (the illiterate, farmers, farm labourers or those in the employ of Lavasa Corporation Limited), Christel House screens families from within the Lavasa project area and with a monthly income not higher than Rs 10,000.

Eight, one would have believed that this would have been a bare-bones operation with a modest outgo; the reality is that Lavasa expends approximately Rs 100,000 per student per year to deliver the best education (you develop respect when you realize that the education of your children in urban India accounts for probably less each year; I certainly pay less for each of my children).

There is a small aside that makes this story complete. Five years ago, The Times Newspapers Limited compensated Lavasa Corporation with UK £30,000 as part of a libel settlement for publishing a wrong article on the company. Lavasa took the entire proceeds and donated it to Christel House School!

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